Tuesday 13 October 2015


It's time to mark 1st November in your calendar, as this is the day that the Wattle Grove community (past and present) will celebrate 100 years at the school fete. The fete will open at 11 am and run through to 4 pm. The historical event will include many attractions such as a dunking machine, farm animals, a bouncy castle, circus tent, pony rides, rock climbing, face painters etc. The P&C have already done an enormous amount of the planning, organisation and preparation for this event, however, we are looking for help from all members of our school community in the form of donations. Year 3's have been asked to donate plants and Year 4's are asked to donate items for a second-hand stall. These could include games, clothing, household goods (no electronics please), books etc. Any donation would be greatly appreciated. You can bring the plants/second-hand items straight into Room 22 and we'll pass them onto the P&C. Thank you in advance for your 
support in this area and I look forward to seeing you at the fete.


Room 22 will be learning all about the importance of worms in our gardens on Monday, 19th October (next week). We will be making a large worm farm for the school and every child will have the opportunity to make a small, take-home worm farm. All your child needs to bring in is a 1.25 or 2L clear, clean (washed and labels removed) plastic bottle. Plastic bottles are due on Friday because some slight adjustments will need to be made to them before Monday.  If you happen to have a few of these bottles at home, and are not needing them, then please donate any extras to the class. It should be a great day! 

These are the types of bottles we are after for the worm farms

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